Sunday, December 26, 2010

Images Of People Taking Adipex

tour in the Historical Center of Eboli

Tuesday December 28, departing at 10:00 , there will be a free guided tour in the Old Town, with the assistance of Peppe Barra, president of the Cultural Centre for Historical Studies .
The appointment is at the Church of Santa Maria della Pietà, in Piazza della Repubblica.

  • Church of Santa Maria della Pietà
  • painting exhibition in Atelier Paudice
  • Church of San Nicola de Schola Graeca
  • Via Via Barbacani
  • Marcangione
  • Church of Santa Margherita
  • Furnaces Roman
The event is organized by the General Affairs and Communications Sector in collaboration with the Cultural Centre for Historical Studies and Ebolitana Revival Association.

URP 0828 - 328237

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Blue Trojan Condom Size

Job postings of "The Wise-City of Eboli"

Edition V International Competition of Books published before "The Wise"

The competition is divided into six sections:
Section A - Poems published;
Section B - published fiction;
Section C - Essay published;
Section D - unpublished poems;
Section E - fiction novel:
Section F - non-fiction novel.

Fee - For each section requires a participation fee of 10.00 Euro. Each contestant may enter more sezioni. Tale contributo servirà a coprire parzialmente le spese organizzative. La quota di partecipazione dovrà essere versata sul CCP n. 49812035, intestato a Giuseppe Barra (tel. 3281276922) via Don Paolo Vocca, 13 - 84025 Eboli (SA), indicando nella causale V Concorso Internazionale di libri "Il Saggio".

Testi – I libri editi devono essere completi di tutte le pagine con copertina. Quelli inediti devono essere composti da pagine numerate. Anche un racconto di qualche pagina può essere considerato un inedito e può essere anche privo di copertina.

Copie - I concorrenti debbono inviare 2 copie per ogni libro con una scheda recante il nome e cognome, indirizzo, recapito telefonico ed eventuale indirizzo e-mail.

Scadenza del bando – I libri dovranno pervenire unitamente alla copia della ricevuta di versamento, non oltre il 28 febbraio 2011 (timbro postale) a: Centro Culturale Studi Storici - via Guglielmo Vacca, 8 - 84025 Eboli (SA).

Premi - La Giuria, il cui giudizio è insindacabile ed inappellabile, premierà le recensioni dei migliori testi classificati. I testi inediti potranno essere pubblicati su "Il Saggio", rivista di cultura, organo del Centro. Ogni poeta deve ritirare personalmente il premio attribuitogli e, solo per gravi motivi gli è consentito delegare per writing someone who is involved in his stead. The awards ceremony will take place in Eboli in May 2011. Participation in the competition implies the unconditional acceptance of this Regulation.

Record - And 'The participation in the competition to all those who are part of the Editor of "The Wise" and the Directors of the Cultural Center, and the editorial staff.

Edition XV International Poetry Competition "The Wise - City of Eboli"

The competition has always been supported by the President of the Republic and the Presidency of the Senate (with two awards posted from the highest institutional)
The competition is divided into four sections: Section A
- Poems on any subject in Italian;
Section B - Poetry on any subject in the vernacular;
Section C - Poetry religious
Section D - young on any subject (up to 18 years to 30 April 2011).

Fee - For each poem entered the competition in sections A - B - C will require a participation fee of 10.00 Euro. For each group of three poems is the required contribution of 25.00 Euro. For Section D, the share is $ 5.00. Each participant can submit an unlimited number of poems. This contribution will cover part organizational costs. The fee can be combined between the sections A, B, C, D. The fee must be paid on the CCP No 49812035, made out to Joseph Barra (tel. 3281276922) by Don Paul Vocca, 13-84025 Eboli (SA), indicating the reason XIV International Poetry Competition "The Wise - City of Eboli."

Copies - The candidates should send five copies of each poem, an additional complete copy of your name, address, telephone number and any e-mail. To avoid misinterpretation of the poems written in capital letters should be sent, type or even a floppy disk or via e-mail:

Section B - Participation poems written in any dialect spoken in Italy provided they are accompanied by a translation.

Application deadline - The poems must be mailed together with a copy of the payment, no later than April 30, 2011 (postmark) to: Centro Cultural Historical Studies - by William Vacca, 8-84025 Eboli (SA) or .

Awards - The jury, whose decision is final and binding, will honor the top ten classified as 40 other special awards in Sections A, B, C, D, with the medal of the President of the Republic (section A), and Medal of the Presidency of the Senate (section B), plaques, diplomas and more. The jury has the right to award special prizes and the lyrics mention or point out the most deserving. All poems will be published in "The Wise", a magazine of culture, an organ of the Centre. Each poet must collect the prize personally assigned and only for grave reasons, he is allowed to delegate in writing to someone who is involved in his stead. The awards ceremony will take place in Eboli 25 to 30 July 2011. Participation in the competition implies the unconditional acceptance of this Regulation.

Annotation - Poems received will not be returned and will be used for any publication published by our Centre. Each work must be exclusively the result of his own talent. Poems subject of plagiarism will be automatically excluded from the competition and the participant will be removed from the list of poets of the Cultural Centre for Historical Studies. And 'The participation in the competition to all those who are part of the Editor of "The Wise" and the Directors of the Cultural Center, and the editorial staff and their first degree relatives.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Enlarged Spleens In Dogs

ENASARCO: Statements 2009

They left the bank statements, 2009. Like every year, the Foundation is sending to all the Companies principals, agents and individual partnerships where a personal statement appear in detail all the accounting transactions recorded in 2009. You

was enriched with the information part so that the contents of the tables may be clear to everyone. Therefore, please read carefully and keep the sheets sent. Inside the letter are shown how to report any inaccuracies or inconsistencies Foundation

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Erections When Wrestling

The video of the week: The category of commercial agents

# ''sony Network Camera Snc-m1?

Corso Avanzato di Fotografia

E 'state established the program for the Advanced Course photography - professor Antonio Vanni .

The course is divided into around 10 evening meetings in the studio and 1-2 outputs.

Anyone interested can send an email to or contact Achilles 380.7568075.

know light

Physical light

learn to use the temperature meters

Check 'exposure

learn to use the' exposure

a click-click in automatic mode
-Choose the quality
image-What 's the resolution
best-Shutter and Shutter '
-Select the shutter speed and aperture

-Writing with light-
Summary shutter
aperture priority shutter priority in

-Fire and depth of field
-use fire in a creative way
-Check the depth of field

-Use the best lens focal length
-White Balance-
Use the zoom
- Zoom-composition and sensitivity

-contrast-sharpness and brightness

-Saturation-Multiple Exposure-

Differenze ed analogie tra i lavori in sala posa e in lavori in esterno

Prove pratiche nei due ambienti.

How To Make To 11 Year Old Invitation

Corso Base di Fotografia

E' stato fissato il programma per il Corso base di fotografia - docente Tommaso Iarlori.

Il corso è articolato in 6-7 incontri di 2 ore per un totale di 12-14 ore più le necessarie per la realizzazione della mostra fotografica.

Chi fosse interessato può inviare una mail a oppure contattare Achille al 380.7568075.


Conoscenza di base della luce

Cosa e la luce
Le fonti di luce, l'immagine, il colore
Principio fisico della fotografia
Perchè catturare un' immagine cose la fotografia )
I materiali fotosensibili (chimici e elettronici)

Conoscenza di base della macchina fotografica

Come è costituita una macchina fotografica
Interazione tempo diaframma

La pellicola lo sviluppo e la stampa chimica

I materiali fotosensibili chimici
composizione di un negativo e una carta fotografica
procedimento di sviluppo di un negativo
procedimento di stampa di una foto

Fotografia digitale

Principi della fotografia digitale
Acquisizione di un immagine
Sistemi di archiviazione Digital printing of digital images

Practical test
Making an exhibition of photographs by participants

Friday, November 19, 2010

Weirdest Thing In The Vending Machine

Corsi Fotografia Base ed Avanzato

Registration is open to two classes of stock
FotOrtona Club:
1 - Basic course in photography
December 2010 2010/Gennaio
2 - Advanced course in photography
January / February 2011. For information please contact Achilles

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Track And Field Backpack

Cena di fine anno

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Aplastic Anemia Marijuana

AMORE E FOLLIA la poesia di Alda Merini

venerdì 29 ottobre 2010 alle ore 19

presso il locale "Da Tommy e sua sorella" in via Einaudi 76 a Mestre

riprende lo "Spritz letterario" nuovo ciclo di letture con

"Amore e follia" la poesia di Alda Merini

Fix Capacitor In Receiver

premio letterario "La seriola"

Concorso letterario per racconti brevi indetto dalla biblioteca comunale di Dolo.
I partecipanti devono inviare un racconto inedito che inizi con la seguente frase "Mia madre alzò gli occhi a guardare le stelle. Ce n'erano tante lassù. Le tremava leggermente la mano mentre ne sceglieva una. Puntò un dito."
Le opere devono essere spedite al seguente indirizzo:
Premio "La Seriola" Biblioteca Comunale Villa Concina Via Comunetto 5 30031 Dolo (Venice)

BY November 30, 2010

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Woman Feeling Like A Gay Man

New Highway Code: Notification fines within 90 days


Drastic reduction in the time of notification of the minutes which will mark the destiny of traditional notices of assessment for no parking. Different allocation of the proceeds of the safety camera with new rules for the use of measuring instruments. Limits of interference in the private investigation of offenses and instrumental go-ahead for new cameras to ensure access to pedestrian areas and other major violations. These are some of the important news of the direct impact on local law introduced by the reform of the Highway Code (Law n.120/2010 published in the Official Gazette No. 175 of July 29, 2010).
Notification of verbal warnings to stop . is reduced from 150 to 90 days the period granted to the bodies established for the postal service road of fines (in case of no immediate objection the violation). However, if the infringement was immediately challenged the offender, it becomes mandatory report also notify the owner of the vehicle or jointly and severally liable to within a hundred days after the. These new rules, which also will be effective only for violations committed after the entry into force of the reform, put in strong doubt on the use by the command of the municipal police of the so called notices of assessment that are traditionally left on the windscreens of vehicles in no parking. These warnings, which are not covered by the Highway Code or by its implementing regulation and implementation, are used to simplify the enforcement proceedings, and facilitate the payment limited extent (which can generally be made within 10-20 days) and, consequently, avoiding the activity and the cost of the service. With the drastic reduction of the period for notification of the dispute records becomes much more difficult to include time-limited even in iterating the warning. In fact, these acts of investigation of traffic offenses force the bodies to establish to wait several days before they know if the offender has paid a small extent. Wait that now with the new rules, put at serious risk the respect of the shorter time for the notification of the minutes.
income cameras and new rules. for violations of speed limits established by the local police through the use of devices or detection systems or with the use of devices or technical equipment for remote monitoring of violations under Article. 4 of Decree Law No 121, June 20, 2002, the proceeds to be split equally between the municipality and the owner of the road agency or agencies that carry out its functions under Article. 39 of the Decree of the President of the Republic No 381, March 22, 1974, to the exclusion of roads under concession. This important change, however, will not enter into force immediately, but only the first financial year following the adoption of a ministerial decree, with which they must be defined in a data processing procedure for sending a report on the proceeds of offenses with the camera. This report, which will be sent every year by May 31 the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport and the Ministry of the Interior, shall indicate, for the previous year, the aggregate amount of proceeds attributable to the municipality, as reported statement approved by the same year, and the activities performed by exploiting these resources, detailing the costs incurred for each operation. The sums arising from the award of the fee should be divided for the maintenance and securing of the signs, barriers and other road infrastructure and strengthening of monitoring and verification of traffic offenses with the related personnel costs of the municipal police. Moreover, these staff costs funded by the share of income distributed will not exceed the limits and constraints imposed by internal rules on the Stability and containment of expenditure on public employment. The proportion of income covered by the distribution payable to the municipality and shall be reduced by 30% per annum if the agency will use them in a manner inconsistent with or does not transmit the required report. By the same decree that will determine the rules for the proceeds divided, we will define also positioning methods and the use of speed cameras and telelaser , outside the towns can not be installed immediately, at a distance less than one kilometer from the signal that requires the speed limit .
Interference individuals. Local authorities may establish instrumentally violations of the Highway Code with only their property or equipment acquired under a contract of lease or rental to fixed charges. Such equipment also should be used only with the use of local police personnel, without Except as provided by art. 5 of Presidential Decree 250 of 22 June 1999 laying down the rules for the authorization to install and operate systems for the detection of vehicle access to city centers and areas with limited traffic in accordance with art. 7, para 133-bis of Law 127, May 15, 1997. New cameras and technological tools. The use of cameras is also extended to the control of unauthorized access to pedestrian areas and city centers and the traffic on roads reserved. In addition, through equipment or devices approved can be detected also violations relating to the dangerous speed, driving against traffic to use the bicycle helmet to carry on two-wheeled vehicles and movement in vehicles subjected to administrative detention or seizure. The tools, however, outside the town, can only be installed on stretches of road specifically identified by the prefects. Will be legalized some technologies applied to traffic lights. In fact, with a special ministerial decree will define the characteristics for the approval and installation of systems to adjust the speed, the equipment is activated to detect the speed of approaching vehicles and devices designed to display the time remaining power light of the new traffic lights. Green light to the use of scoreboards often installed by the roadside to indicate the speed of the user: with the reform of these displays are included among the light signals listed in art. 41 of the Rules of the Road.
advertising systems. Within the towns, on any type of road and not just limited to urban roads of district and local municipalities may grant exemptions from the rules on minimum distances for placement of signs and other advertising media, in accordance with the needs of road safety and in respect of the prohibitions laid down. 23, paragraph 1, of the Code of the road is not even the condition of "reasons of public interest or technical." Important news for the removal of illegal billboards. In the presence of non-statutory advertising or installed without authorization, within the period of formal notice, supervisors can access road on private funds to carry out the removal. Also, if within sixty days after the removal (for works on public land) or formal (for installations on a private area) without the infringer, the owner or the owner of the land to have requested the return of advertising media removed, the agency owner can dispose of freely.
source: Italy Today

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Riedell Skates Breaking In

New Highway Code: Changes

from speeding fines

The Senate yesterday approved with 145 votes and 122 abstentions in favor of the new Highway Code, in force since Friday 30 July. The changes allow you to approach the guide is not just turned 17 years, pay in installments for the payment of a fine and driving with his license suspended for a few hours "bonus". On the other hand is tightening the rules against the abuse of alcohol (especially for newly-licensed) and against the "multi serial" serious offenses are committed in the third period triggered a review of the license. The President of the Silvio Berlusconi has welcomed the approval for the hope that the new Highway Code to reduce aid "and limit the number of accidents and road deaths." Following the main innovations introduced.

Young drivers license for less than three years can not drink alcohol before driving. Obligation also extended to professional drivers (drivers, taxi drivers, truckers), which are likely dismissal for cause if they are caught while drunk or under the influence of drugs. This increase penalties for those who come to ride with a pinched percentage blood alcohol (unchanged at 0.5 g / l) higher than stipulated, including minors: The procedures for obtaining the license will be postponed to B kind of punishment or up to 19 - in the worst cases - 21 years.

The new Highway Code gives effect to the maximum power limit was scheduled but never came into force. The year after obtaining the license a newly patented can not drive a car with a specific power exceeding 55 kW / t - previously 50 - but not exceeding 70 kW.

from three in the morning until six local and business can not serve alcohol. The only exceptions are provided for the nights of New Year and August. The ban also covers Autogrill: from 22 to 2 am liquor and beer and wine. All premises that will continue the business after midnight to provide customers with a breathalyser.

the car with license suspended can request the Prefect a bonus of three hours daily to go to work or carry out activities indispensable. On the other hand will be stretched the length of the suspension and denied the opportunity to advance the action. After three serious offenses (with loss for each of at least 5 points) committed two-year period, repeat the procedure to obtain the license for driving without being able to even "protected" with the license for mopeds, which is also prohibited. It 'also provided a medical examination every two years for drivers 80 year old ultra, while professionals can drive without limits of seniority, provided that you submit to an annual once made 68 years.

According to the latest tax return who has a taxable income not exceeding € 10,628.16 may request deferred payment of fines, provided queste (singole o cumulate) abbiano importo superiore a 200 euro. Il termine per la notifica delle contravvenzioni è ridotto da 150 a 90 giorni.

In aggiunta alle norme attuali sarà obbligatoria la presenza di Tutor perché un’autostrada venga “certificata” per i 150 km/h. Diminuiscono quindi le tratte conformi. Il nuovo Codice della Strada prevede sanzioni inferiori per chi venisse pizzicato a superare i limiti di velocità di 10 km/h: tre punti invece di cinque e multa invariata a 155 euro. Le pene sono invece più severe - specie a livello economico - per l’intervallo compreso fra 40 e 60 km/h, con una sanzione pecuniaria di 500 € (+130), the license suspension from one to three months and the deduction of ten points, removing the ban on driving between the hours of 22 and 7 for the three months following the return of the license. Those who exceed the limit by more than 60 km / h will have to pay 779 € (+229), giving up 10 points and the license for a period of between six and twelve months.

The manufacturer of micro-car and motorcycle altered performance (maximum speed exceeding 45 km / h) will have to pay a fine of 1,000 €, 779 € workshops that make tampering and 389 owners. Drivers of micro cars will be required to wear seat belts safety and keep their headlights access.

When selling or scrapping a car owner must remove the plate and direct it to the new car, without the possibility of combining more than half.


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Solving For R In An Annuity Equation


Immerse yourself ... THERE YOU ARE AT THE CENTER!
Following the orientations set by the board of directors of our association were held days 8, 22, 29 May and 7 and June 14, 2010 Category other meetings aimed at specializing in issues relating to individual sectors (Hardware and Building, Packaging, Furniture, Gifts, Gifts and Home and others) .
were examined some specific aspects of the sector they belong to and dealt with general themes that always attract the interest of the class. Among them, particularly at a time of economic difficulty as the present one, the issues relating to the Field Studies and reduce costs associated with the use of the car .
During the meetings have been explained by doctors Mario and Marco Marsico some interventions of the National Federation use us in the regulatory, tax and social contribution to obtaining direct benefits for the category and was given an account of the work of ' National Assembly that was held in Verona days 14 and 15 May 2010 .
The coordinator of the meetings, the Vice President LANARCE Luciano Falga , to the same conclusion, he urged those present to take steps to increasing participation and bringing ideas and tips to bring in directors.
A topic of general interest ha riguardato gli eventuali interventi da porre in essere per migliorare la mobilità degli agenti di commercio ottenendo permessi particolari per il transito nelle ZTL (zone a traffico limitato) e per il raggiungimento delle isole campane , zone talvolta non servite in maniera adeguata a causa degli elevati costi e oneri per il loro raggiungimento.
Un’ulteriore proposta ha riguardato la possibilità di ottenere nell’ambito regionale documenti fiscali validi per la corretta deduzione delle sempre crescenti spese per i parcheggi .
I presenti hanno preso atto con interesse della proposta avanzata dal Consigliere Luigi Doppietto regarding the organization of seminars and training courses in two subjects whose knowledge is manifested particularly useful for the professional growth of the category " a PC" and " English language learning." For these initiatives are ongoing organizational contacts. The associated
Caesar Nardone has proposed the development of a specific logo and a slogan aimed at the identification of those meetings. The proposal was accepted and implemented with a symbolism that points to the involvement of all agents in the work of the union. The motto chosen is "... Be ... involved in the center there is you! "
The meetings concluded with the invitation of the coordinator Falga to greater participation in union activities, including browsing the site and the formation of groups of colleagues to to exchange useful experience with continuity and immediacy about the activity.
E 'was finally called for the participation in the boards of a representative of the various categories in order to ensure a continuous presence of the interests of agents in various areas.
Leave a comment on the initiative!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Cheap Bridemaid Dresses In Toronto

UsarciTEnnis ... and holidays!

Flash use us: UsarciTEnnis ... and holidays! : "Organized by the seat of Teramo, come now to the 4th edition, next summer will be held the trophy UsarciTEnnis.

The tournament will be held at the tennis club Giulianova (Teramo) on days 27.28 and 29 August 2010.

Participation the tournament is given to all members use us in Italy and is extended to all family members.

fact it is an amateur tournament held in the spirit of spending a few hours of healthy fun and friendly atmosphere among colleagues in the company of loved ones.

Continue reading the post from Flash use us

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Patron Saints Entrepreneur

falls to € 5,000 limit for cash payments

use us Flash: Falling from € 12,500 to € 5,000 limit for cash payments :
"From 31 May 2010 decreased from € 12,500 to € 5,000 limit below which it is permitted to transfer of cash between private parties.

The bank or postal savings or bearer must have a balance of less than € 5,000. If they are in existence on May 31, 2010 will be necessary before the deadline of June 30, 2011 implementation of the reduction of the balance to an amount less than € 5,000.

E 'introduced an element of suspicion or justification for the frequent use of cash transactions, even if an amount not exceeding € 5,000. "

Continue reading the post from Flash use us

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Rabbit Hutches For Sale On Ebay

ENASARCO: Balance sheet 2009 in good

Today the Board of the Foundation, which manages the security and assistance of agents and sales representatives, reviewed and approved the final 2009 budget that closes with a profit of 54 million euro (of these, 24 million representing the amount previously allocated to the Fund FIRR, the indemnities of the members).
In 2009, the general economic crisis has affected the entire category, a significant increase in closures of the mandates of an agency, reductions in fees and, often, loss of jobs. He then recorded a decline in revenue contribution (- 5%) that involved a temporary imbalance of the pension balance (-44 million euro), due to the fact that pension benefits have grown in number (many because of the context full of uncertainties hanno infatti scelto di andare comunque in pensione) e nell’importo medio. Inoltre, a causa della chiusura dei mandati, è notevolmente cresciuta l’erogazione dei trattamenti di fine rapporto.
I contributi previdenziali versati ammontano a 742 milioni di euro, rispetto ai 775 del 2008, mentre il valore medio unitario delle pensioni erogate è cresciuto del 2,6%. Il saldo dell’assistenza è invece positivo per 34 milioni di euro ( 40milioni del 2008).
I contributi assistenziali versati dalle aziende hanno superato i 50 milioni di euro (54milioni nel 2008), mentre le prestazioni riconosciute ammontano a circa 16 milioni di euro, con un aumento rispetto all’anno precedente di circa 2 milioni di euro, dovuto anche ad erogazioni straordinarie riconosciute agli agenti colpiti dal terremoto in Abruzzo.
Il rapporto tra il patrimonio e le pensioni erogate è stato pari al 5,15 ( il 5,11 del 2008).
Il patrimonio netto della Fondazione Enasarco, per effetto dell’utile realizzato, è pari a 3.961 milioni di euro contro i 3.931 milioni di euro del 2008.
Decisamente positivi i risultati nell’ambito della gestione immobiliare e finanziaria.
La gestione immobiliare evidenzia un saldo positivo di 49 milioni euro, contro i 47 del 2008. In particolare, i canoni di locazione sono passati da 119 a 121 milioni di euro, per effetto della rivalutazione ISTAT e degli ultimi risultati della sanatoria avviata nel 2007.
Il rendimento del patrimonio immobiliare si è attestato sull’1,42%.
La Fondazione è ormai alla vigilia del varo della dismissione del patrimonio immobiliare, i cui effetti sul bilancio tecnico saranno tali da garantire la stabilità richiesta dalla normativa vigente.
La gestione finanziaria, nonostante la forte crisi dei mercati, evidenzia un saldo positivo di 59 milioni di euro. Un risultato pienamente soddisfacente se si considerano i livelli generali di tassi di interesse che nel 2009 sono stati al di sotto dell’1%. Il portafoglio, costantemente monitorato, ha consolidato un rendimento netto complessivo del 4%, costante rispetto al 2008, nonostante il calo dei tassi, e superiore alle ipotesi adottate nel Bilancio tecnico.
Il Financial Statement 2009 was also the containment of overheads, which stood at € 6 million, below the threshold of 4% of contributions, as recommended by the Ministries Watchers, and in line with the planned savings and budget targets.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Costochondritis And Shortness Of Breath Treatment


commercial agents defending the institution
( Article taken from "Giornale del Piemonte)

The use us, Union union officials and representatives of Italian business, is launching its appeal to the Berlusconi government. One linked to the recent decree on public finance executive wanted, in fact, was a rather abrupt awakening to the category of agents, which have seen a sword of Damocles over their heads so do not materialize, as sull'Enasarco, or the ' pension and social security institution. The decree, in fact, provides a strong reduction of the independence of the body, which was privatized instead of two decrees, one in 1994 and one in 1996. In short, an unwelcome surprise, which left the business agents rather amazed and now
pushes them to ask the government di porre rimedio in occasione della conversione in legge del decreto.
Per far sentire la propria voce, Usarci si è unita alle altre sigle della categoria (da Fnaarc a Fiarc, da Filcams Cigl a Fisascat Cisl, fino a Ugl terziario e Uiltucs
Uil) e ha firmato un documento in cui rilancia la questione all’esecutivo. «È vero che svolgiamo una funzione pubblicistica, visto che ci occupiamo di dare pensioni, ma
questo non implica il controllo pubblico diretto sull’attività dell’Enasarco», dice Antonello Marzolla, segretario nazionale dell’Usarci. «Da anni, infatti, la legge ci ha dato una dimensione privata e non vogliamo che si torni indietro, cancellando 70
anni di storia con un clean slate. " From here, therefore, the heartfelt appeal to the whole class turns to the government: "We hope that during the debate to convert the decree into law there is a desire to remedy this
paragraph that concerns us and which appeared suddenly, between one and another version of the text of the decree, "he adds Marzolla.
One glimmer of dialogue, however, emerges if one considers the speech a member of the government has done recently in front of an audience of business agents, "Labor Minister Maurizio Sacconi had reassured us in Verona role of private-professional speakers' points Marzolla. The appeal is launched, now awaits the government's response.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Donjoy Defiance Size Chart

The first clone dog, an Afghan hound named Snuppy

course, the cloning of Dolly the sheep in 1996 was a great result. But let's be honest, not a sheep moves as a dog. So when in 2005 scientists at Seoul National University have cloned a dog for the first time, an Afghan hound named Snuppy, we immediately moved. Much more than a dog, Snuppy, as he wrote the weekly magazine Time, was the most amazing invention of 2005.

was not a minor undertaking. This innovative result, obtained by the scientist Woo Suk Hwang (who later was fired by the university to have falsified data on the cloning experiments di cellule staminali umane), ha richiesto molto lavoro. Snuppy è nato dopo 123 tentativi di clonazione distribuiti nell'arco di tre anni. Snuppy ha avuto anche nove cuccioli grazie alla fecondazione di due femmine clonate. E così gli scienziati hanno dimostrato per la prima volta che è possibile una riproduzione tra cloni.

Snuppy è mostrato nella foto insieme al levriero afgano maschio di tre anni, da cui sono state prelevate le cellule somatiche della pelle usate per la clonazione. (Credit foto: Woo-Suk Hwang)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Companies That Sponsor Weddings

expenses, room and board: optional invoices

Away lighter

can not be obtained any invoices relating to hotel services and restaurants - unless they constitute the business activity - if the cost of performing the obligations related to VAT invoices are greater than the economic benefit represents the amount of deductible VAT.

practice is sufficiently normal that the employer requires the employee to perform prestazione lavorativa in una sede diversa da quella contrattualmente stabilita, corrispondendo a fronte di questo spostamento una indennità e/o il rimborso delle spese sostenute dal dipendente in questa occasione.

Fiscalmente si hanno criteri diversi di imposizione delle indennità e dei rimborsi a seconda che si tratti di trasferte effettuate nell'ambito del comune dove si trova la sede di lavoro o che si tratti di trasferte effettuate al di fuori da detto comune. Solo in quest'ultimo caso le indennità e i rimborsi spese godono di un regime di particolare favore, disciplinato dal comma 5 dell'articolo 51 del D.P.R. 917/86 (Tuir).

Per le indennità inerenti a trasferte fuori del comune sede di lavoro è stabilito che they are taxed for the portion in excess of € 46.48. raised to € 77.47 per day if the transfer takes place abroad, exclusive of travel expenses and transportation.

are expressly excluded not only the travel expenses and their drink, but also those of transport (taxi, bus ,...) thereby bringing the discipline of travel to that part of the municipality where the place of work is found .

Paragraph 5 of Article provides that even in case of reimbursement of the costs of accommodation, or those of food, or lodging or accommodation or meals provided free of charge to limit the exemption is reduced by one third. This limit is reduced by two thirds in the case of reimbursement of expenses accommodation than those for food, or if both are provided free of charge.

It is, in fact, intend to regulate the mixed case of redemption that occurs when the employee, in addition to compensation is recognized both in the analytical reimbursement of expenses incurred for board and lodging for the trip. In that event will occur: •

the reduction of one third in the event of redemption of only one of two types of expenses - lodging, or meals-or, in those cases where the accommodation or meals are provided free of charge;
• the two-thirds reduction in the case of reimbursement of the costs of accommodation living expenses, or, in cases where the cost of food is that of accommodation are provided free of charge.

In case of reimbursement of expenses for travel or analytical mission outside the municipality where is the place of work does not contribute to the formation of income:

• reimbursement of documented expenses related to meals, lodging, travel and transport, without understood that among the travel costs also include those provided in the form of mileage allowance;
• reimbursement of other expenses incurred by the employee, up to a daily maximum of € 15.49 to € 25.82 in high country for travel abroad. Are to be included in this entry costs such as those related to telephone, laundry, gratuities, parcheggi.Con Circular No. 25 / E of 19 May 2010 the Inland Revenue gives an interesting explanation of how the documentation of expenses for meals and lodging incurred by the worker, during the trip.

change the previous policy expressed by the circular of March 3, 2009, No. 6 / E, the Agency recognizes that the bills may not be required on services provided by hotels and restaurants - unless they constitute the business activity of ' company - if the cost of performing the obligations related to VAT invoices are greater than the economic benefit represents the amount of deductible VAT. In this case, since the choice of the operator configures the solution cost più vantaggiosa, si può riconoscere all'IVA non detratta per mancanza della fattura la natura di "costo inerente" all'attività esercitata e ammetterne, pertanto, la deducibilità ai fini delle imposte sui redditi.

Con la precedente circolare, invece, l'Agenzia aveva sostenuto la indetraibilità del costo relativo all'IVA nel caso in cui, il beneficiario del servizio di ristorazione o alberghiero, avendo diritto al rilascio della fattura non l'avesse richiesta.

Fonte: Il Quotidiano Ipsoa

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SOLE 2010 slide to the July 6 deadline for payments

Ecco cosa cambia

E' stato rinviato dal 16 giugno al 6 luglio 2010, senza alcun pagamento aggiuntivo, il termine per il versamento di Unico.
La proroga, si legge in una nota del Tesoro, e' stata stabilita anche tenendo conto della contingente situazione economica che ha comportato la profonda revisione degli studi di settore conseguente alle richieste delle categorie interessate.

Il decreto prevede la possibilita' di effettuare i versamenti dal 7 luglio al 5 agosto 2010 , versando una maggiorazione , a titolo di interesse, pari allo 0,40% .

Lo stesso decreto stabilisce anche a favore dei Caf e dei professionisti abilitati un differimento dal June 30 to July 12, 2010 for the transmission line of 730 submitted by employees and retirees. The postponement and

'was granted taking into account the delay, reported by fiscal intermediaries, in the delivery of Cud/2010 by withholding agents.

is the third year that the extension is granted (the first in 2007, but jumped in 2008) took advantage of the opportunities afforded by law. Over the past two years, in particular, the reason for the postponement was caused by the delayed release of the final version of Jericho, that in turn due to the need to develop remedies to bring the study of the economic downturn and financial sector in place. Using the time fixed by law, the shifting of the terms set by Prime Ministerial Decree is therefore 20 days.

summary, then, the deadline of June 16 is moved to July 6, 2010, while that of July 16, 2010 - by which the liability to pay 0.40% more, moving from 7 July to 5 August 2010 .

The mini-extension of 20 days for payments concerns, as mentioned, taxpayers "concerned" by sector studies, including participants.

For taxpayers 'foreign' to industry studies, however, remains firm to the end of June 16, 2010 to make payments in settlement of taxes and contributions in 2009, and on account of the first installment of 2010, the surcharge of 0.40 percent.

increase is due instead to the taxpayer to the foreign sector studies that pay from June 17 to July 16, 2010. They are "outsiders" in the field studies also taxpayers who apply the system of minimum and even then they remain stuck to the usual terms for payments.

The deferral for taxpayers "concerned" by the field studies is extended to all the payments "linked" to the term for payments resulting from tax return, only understood.

For example, the extension should apply for social security payments that exceed il minimo di reddito, per il versamento del tributo annuale dovuto dalle imprese alla Camera di commercio, per l'adeguamento Iva agli studi di settore, così come per tutti gli altri versamenti che i contribuenti "interessati" dagli studi di settore devono effettuare entro il termine previsto per i pagamenti risultanti dalla dichiarazione dei redditi.

Con la mini-proroga dei versamenti si modificano anche gli importi dovuti dai contribuenti interessati dagli studi di settore che pagano a rate le imposte di Unico 2010.

Al riguardo, si ricorda che sulle somme rateate, a partire dalla seconda rata, il contribuente deve pagare gli interessi che decorrono dal 1° giorno successivo alla scadenza della prima rata.

Le rate following the first payment must be paid before the 16th of each month's deadline for holders of VAT and by the end of each month for other taxpayers.

Interest shall be payable in a lump sum, regardless of the date of payment and are calculated using the following formula: "C" for "i" for "t" divided 36mila, where "C" is the amount, "the "is the 4% interest per annum, and" t "is equal to the number of days, calculated on a" business method "between the expiration date of the first installment and the second installment.

In this regard, you should note that, applying the "business method" is considered 360 days per year and, for consistency, all months are considered to be of 30 days.

The extent of the interest on installment after the first recital is then determined that: all months have 30 days, interest is due the day following the expiry of the first installment payment until the day fixed for the second installment.

As of the third installment, interest payable increased by 0.33% per month, regardless of the date of payment of the installment.

(from )

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

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opened the section "UTILITY DOWNLOAD"

site inaugurates a new section dedicated to utility / download .
This section published documents, forms, cards and various files that may be useful in your business sales person.

The section will be continuously updated thanks to your tips and suggestions (leave a comment on this post or send us an email)

Monday, June 7, 2010

Biggest Great White Shark Caught In Australia


The Foundation informs us, with a note from the Service Performance Management and Pensions 4 June 2010, an anomaly that detailed below.
During the test data for the payment of the arrears from June to July 2010, was a discrepancy from the interbank system, and consequently stop the payment, usually about 8900 pensions are credited by bank transfer.
The determinations by the Foundation promptly identified as the cause of the phenomenon internal reorganization of certain banking institutions that led to the modification of the IBAN number of depositors, however, without further notice of such changes to the Foundation by any of the banks of it individuals concerned.
The Foundation, therefore, in order to ensure however, the payment of the accrued pension, subsequently provided in respect of those pensioners, the temporary transformation of the mode of payment to credit the account (not activated in the presence of an IBAN wrong) to a bank draft to be delivered by mail.
At the same time was sent to each of the 8,900 retirees, with priority mail, a notice warning that the next rate of pension will be paid by check and to restore the payment by bank transfer must communicate to the senior Ie its founding new bank.
II Contact Center and the headquarters / branch of the Foundation are available for each resolving the matter.

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Nada Ciullini new Director of the Presidency

The Governing Council of our association, for a more 'broad democratic participation at' activity 'association and to represent the best work experience of the whole class, she was appointed Director of the Presidency Mrs Nada Ciullini .

At the same wishes for a fruitful work and success in the future.

Click here for the organization LANARCE

Saturday, June 5, 2010

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The XXII Congress was held in the city use us of Verona.
Our union was represented by three delegates: the President Fred Parlato, the Vice-President Luciano Falga and Secretary Louis Doublet , have also participated as respect their commitments to Congress, the lawyer Alexander Limavady the Dr. Mark Marsico and Dr. Roberto Ruffino .
The opening day was attended by over 300 people who attended the report National President of Umberto Mirizzi and greeting the many dignitaries present, including the Minister of Labour and Social Policy Maurizio Sacconi .

After the greeting of the authorities, work began with assistance from the conference delegates that, in almost all, have focused on two topics: Training union and unity so longed for and finally found.
finished his work has resulted in the elections for the renewal of the national office use us: Mirizzi confirmed as Chairman.
"The goals he intends to achieve over the next three-year mandate will be to strengthen the Union's presence in the area, to give greater dignity to our profession and be a team to achieve the results they deserve," said the president re-elected. Mirizzi also stated that it would promote "a table of continuous consultation with all other unions in the category of commercial agents.

During the congress have been highlighted major issues affecting the category: an updating of the tax regulations (with specific reference to the vehicle deduction and exemption Irap) all’accordo economico collettivo con Confindustria.
Il lavoro del nostro sindacato napoletano è stato premiato con l’elezione di un consigliere, Doppietto , un membro effettivo dei Probiviri, Parlato , ed un membro supplente dei sindaci, Falgiano . Un buon risultato che deve essere da sprone per continuare ad impegnarci sempre di più a tutela della nostra categoria, soprattutto in questo periodo difficile, attraversato da una profonda crisi economica.

Visualizza il nuovo organigramma Usarci