Sunday, December 26, 2010

Images Of People Taking Adipex

tour in the Historical Center of Eboli

Tuesday December 28, departing at 10:00 , there will be a free guided tour in the Old Town, with the assistance of Peppe Barra, president of the Cultural Centre for Historical Studies .
The appointment is at the Church of Santa Maria della Pietà, in Piazza della Repubblica.

  • Church of Santa Maria della Pietà
  • painting exhibition in Atelier Paudice
  • Church of San Nicola de Schola Graeca
  • Via Via Barbacani
  • Marcangione
  • Church of Santa Margherita
  • Furnaces Roman
The event is organized by the General Affairs and Communications Sector in collaboration with the Cultural Centre for Historical Studies and Ebolitana Revival Association.

URP 0828 - 328237

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Blue Trojan Condom Size

Job postings of "The Wise-City of Eboli"

Edition V International Competition of Books published before "The Wise"

The competition is divided into six sections:
Section A - Poems published;
Section B - published fiction;
Section C - Essay published;
Section D - unpublished poems;
Section E - fiction novel:
Section F - non-fiction novel.

Fee - For each section requires a participation fee of 10.00 Euro. Each contestant may enter more sezioni. Tale contributo servirà a coprire parzialmente le spese organizzative. La quota di partecipazione dovrà essere versata sul CCP n. 49812035, intestato a Giuseppe Barra (tel. 3281276922) via Don Paolo Vocca, 13 - 84025 Eboli (SA), indicando nella causale V Concorso Internazionale di libri "Il Saggio".

Testi – I libri editi devono essere completi di tutte le pagine con copertina. Quelli inediti devono essere composti da pagine numerate. Anche un racconto di qualche pagina può essere considerato un inedito e può essere anche privo di copertina.

Copie - I concorrenti debbono inviare 2 copie per ogni libro con una scheda recante il nome e cognome, indirizzo, recapito telefonico ed eventuale indirizzo e-mail.

Scadenza del bando – I libri dovranno pervenire unitamente alla copia della ricevuta di versamento, non oltre il 28 febbraio 2011 (timbro postale) a: Centro Culturale Studi Storici - via Guglielmo Vacca, 8 - 84025 Eboli (SA).

Premi - La Giuria, il cui giudizio è insindacabile ed inappellabile, premierà le recensioni dei migliori testi classificati. I testi inediti potranno essere pubblicati su "Il Saggio", rivista di cultura, organo del Centro. Ogni poeta deve ritirare personalmente il premio attribuitogli e, solo per gravi motivi gli è consentito delegare per writing someone who is involved in his stead. The awards ceremony will take place in Eboli in May 2011. Participation in the competition implies the unconditional acceptance of this Regulation.

Record - And 'The participation in the competition to all those who are part of the Editor of "The Wise" and the Directors of the Cultural Center, and the editorial staff.

Edition XV International Poetry Competition "The Wise - City of Eboli"

The competition has always been supported by the President of the Republic and the Presidency of the Senate (with two awards posted from the highest institutional)
The competition is divided into four sections: Section A
- Poems on any subject in Italian;
Section B - Poetry on any subject in the vernacular;
Section C - Poetry religious
Section D - young on any subject (up to 18 years to 30 April 2011).

Fee - For each poem entered the competition in sections A - B - C will require a participation fee of 10.00 Euro. For each group of three poems is the required contribution of 25.00 Euro. For Section D, the share is $ 5.00. Each participant can submit an unlimited number of poems. This contribution will cover part organizational costs. The fee can be combined between the sections A, B, C, D. The fee must be paid on the CCP No 49812035, made out to Joseph Barra (tel. 3281276922) by Don Paul Vocca, 13-84025 Eboli (SA), indicating the reason XIV International Poetry Competition "The Wise - City of Eboli."

Copies - The candidates should send five copies of each poem, an additional complete copy of your name, address, telephone number and any e-mail. To avoid misinterpretation of the poems written in capital letters should be sent, type or even a floppy disk or via e-mail:

Section B - Participation poems written in any dialect spoken in Italy provided they are accompanied by a translation.

Application deadline - The poems must be mailed together with a copy of the payment, no later than April 30, 2011 (postmark) to: Centro Cultural Historical Studies - by William Vacca, 8-84025 Eboli (SA) or .

Awards - The jury, whose decision is final and binding, will honor the top ten classified as 40 other special awards in Sections A, B, C, D, with the medal of the President of the Republic (section A), and Medal of the Presidency of the Senate (section B), plaques, diplomas and more. The jury has the right to award special prizes and the lyrics mention or point out the most deserving. All poems will be published in "The Wise", a magazine of culture, an organ of the Centre. Each poet must collect the prize personally assigned and only for grave reasons, he is allowed to delegate in writing to someone who is involved in his stead. The awards ceremony will take place in Eboli 25 to 30 July 2011. Participation in the competition implies the unconditional acceptance of this Regulation.

Annotation - Poems received will not be returned and will be used for any publication published by our Centre. Each work must be exclusively the result of his own talent. Poems subject of plagiarism will be automatically excluded from the competition and the participant will be removed from the list of poets of the Cultural Centre for Historical Studies. And 'The participation in the competition to all those who are part of the Editor of "The Wise" and the Directors of the Cultural Center, and the editorial staff and their first degree relatives.