Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Maplestory Private Server Maps D/c

Concorso campiello Giovani '10

competition for young people aged between 15 and 22 years (cha at the time of transmission have reached 15 years and not have reached 22), resident in Italy and abroad as an object has a story in Italian to a maximum of 25 folders.

Participants must submit their design, in four copies to the secretariat of the foundation campiello (via turin, 151 C - 30172 Mestre Ve) by January 9, 2010 (postmark postmark ). The paper should not be bound and the pages (Times New Roman, font 12) should be numbered. Header must appear only the title, while enclosed in a sealed envelope must specify the title and prpri personal data (name, date and place of birth, nationality, address: street, house number, zip code, city, county, region , phone number, number of phone, email address, school, class, profession)
is required and also the sending of the written word file on CD or by e mail: campiello.giovani @ Confindustria. veneto.it

More info on http://www.premio-campiello.it/

Monday, November 9, 2009

Saltwater Tank Dandruff

Estratto da Jack Frusciante è uscito dal gruppo di Enrico Brizzi

magnetic from the archives of Mr. Alex D.
Eventually sanity not to search. Maybe we have it already, and we move more nervous or more, and more they move away. The fact is that aprlare of sanity I feel like a poor bastard. It seems to me one of those terms used in the sessions of collective psychoanalysis release or in shelters for abused women.
Okay. Everything tells me to be strong, given the scope, able to move forward in life, but if one feels that it is time to change a bit 'broken or just the need to stop and think seriously for its own account ? I mean, cocks and half past seven in Latin, for example, from simple tools have become a kind of ultimate goal? ... So, as far as I know I should studying to earn a degree which in turn allows me to rip a good job which in turn allow me to rip some damn peace and waged across the wound and massacred by unprecedented efforts to reach it.
mean, this is one of the ultimate goals of peace battered cabbage. The argument is so. It does not take a genius. So why should I sacrifice the moments of serenity that I get to meet spontaneously along the way? why should I throw them in a well, even if they are part of loror order to strive for? If an afternoon I can go play or go out with a girl I like, why the hell should I starmene at home to transcribe the versions of the translator o far finta di leggere il sunto di filosofia? La realtà è che mi trovo costreto a sacrificare il me diciasettenne felice oggi di pomeriggio a un eventuale me stesso calvo e sovarappeso, cinquantenne soddisfatto , che apre la porta del garage col comando a distanza e dentro c'ha una bella macchina, una moglie che probabilmente gli fa lle corna con iol commercialistae due figli gemelli con i capelli a caschetto indentici in tutto ai bambini nazisti della kinders.
Tutti dentro al garage, magari no. Diciamo più o meno intorno. Cioè circondato. Dunque la domanda è: un orrore di qyeste proprozioni vale più del sole e del gelato di oggi pomeriggio? Più di una qualunque ragazza? Più di valentina appointment with a smile that arrives ten minutes late and a blue shirt with qel well within God's amazing?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Replacement Battery For Braun Toothbrush

and rights of dogs: Ordinance on the protection of stray Martini (July 16, 2009)

Si rovescia la situazione che prevedeva norme restrittive, quasi bunker per i cani, soprattutto verranno abolite la così tanto discussed black list, is the license for owners of dogs "challenging", it can achieve in ASL or in the structures set up for this service. Martini said the secretary to find the Black List and who has no scientific evidence maltratterà an animal will be considered an individual of low-profile, saying! To you reading the article very interesting and the order issued July 16, 2009 in PDF format.

Dogs bearers of rights: dignity, respect and well-being. The law is ready and will soon be discussed by the Council of Ministers. A law which will sum up all the orders made to stem the degradation and abuse situations. The Secretary of Labor, Health and Welfare Francesca Martini said that our country within the next five years will be the most advanced in Europe in the field. A real cultural revolution that involves the whole House, veterinary and voluntary associations. "More than the conscience of the increase continues Martini, most abusers, leaves and violates the rules will be considered an individual with a low profile. There is a growing concept of censorship society. " The law provides for the requirement to microchip dogs, canine registries networked to allow the traceability of the animal. The strays will be collected, treated and admitted to suitable facilities, approved for quality standards, and registered sottola responsabilità dei sindaci Le gare d’appalto dovranno aderire al controllo di qualità per il benessere animale. Per favorire l’adozione, i canili dovranno essere aperti al pubblico almeno 2 giorni la settimana per almeno 4 ore al giorno. Viene confermata l’abolizione dalla black list dei cani considerati pericolosi, poiché il sottosegretario Martini la ritiene priva di basi scientifiche. Si afferma il principio secondo cui tutto dipende dall’educazione ricevuta, dal rapporto che si è stabilito col proprietario ed anche dalla capacità di gestire cani con una notevole massa muscolare. Chi vorrà un cane definito impegnativo per mole e carattere, dovrà munirsi di patentino, ottenuto con la frequentazione di apposito training course that will be organized by ASL or associations having jurisdiction. Responsibility is borne by the owner. The leash should not be longer than five feet in urban areas and open to the public and the obligation to collect the droppings. Finally, protection of the dogs used in film and television will be protected by the presence of an experienced veterinarian during filming. (F shame )

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Enlisted Soldier Wedding

trains in the station Cosenza

Saturday, September 19, 2009

What Should I Charge For Wedding Album

write about us ...

The association of DLF has a history rather remote even though the city of Cosenza has not always had the attention it deserved. The National Association Dopolavoro Railroad dates back to October 25, 1925 when a royal decree law "sanctions its formation. Think for a moment only to the trains in those days, the hard work of the railwaymen, the fact that the means of transport such as cars and they were still pretty elitist to be accessible to all, so the trains were a bit 'means of transport anyone, wealthy and less wealthy, allowing the possibility to reach different places hundreds of miles away relatively quickly. Great responsibility, then how on the other hand today, focused on men who arrivals and departures were still witnesses. The idea is the basis of the Association of OND is to bring together the railway, outside working hours, along with their families, giving them the opportunity to come and live experiences are not limited to employment but experiences a number of sporting, cultural and even giving birth to the first forms of organized tourism. The idea remains, indeed becomes more and more space in the city of Cosenza Dopolavoro that seems to be keeping promises and targets set by its chairman and members Charles Toter Council only a few months ago, one of the first meetings after the elections for choosing the new president of the Association. Restoring a tiny sliver of the city but also let people know the existence of an association in our city that has wide-ranging interests. In this regard, it commemorates the first international poetry competition "Binary Reverse", published in the neo-blog of the DLF at Cosenza http://dlfcosenza.blogspot.com/ . The competition is addressed to all those who love to write poems, participation is open not only to individuals but also to schools whose pupils can participate in groups. L’attenzione per le proprie origini e la propria cultura è messa in risalto dall’apertura del concorso verso la poesia non solo in lingua italiana ma anche in vernacolo. Nessuna quota di iscrizione ma premi in denaro per i vincitori, suddivisi in due categorie tra ferrovieri, figli o coniuge di ferrovieri e il resto dei candidati. A tutti sarà consegnato un attestato di partecipazione.

Fabiola Cosenza
Da Parola di Vita (Anno 2 n°23, 17 settembre 2009)

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Waxing Salon Jacksonville


Scarica dal link qui in basso la scheda per partecipare al concorso di poesia "Binario In Towards "


X-cell.com Lorna Morgan

Call poetry competition "Binary Reverse"

Cosenza Railway Association Dopolavoro
Piazza G. Matteotti, 27
87100 Cosenza

Tel 0984/73462 E-mail: dlfcosenza@gmail.com

the First International Poetry Prize 2009
"Binary In Towards"


Article 1 - The contest aims to promote the wonderful world of trains and railways and the most environmentally friendly way to travel
Article 2 - The poetry competition is open to all Italian and foreign authors and is divided into one section: unpublished poems on any subject in Italian (they will be accepted texts metrical or free verse in the vernacular)
Art 3 - You can contribute both individually and in groups (only for classes of schools of any type and level, pointing to a teacher or a responsible member of the group).
Art 4 - The schools participating in the DLF will give a tour stations or railway stations, with permission.
Article 5 - Each entrant may submit up to three work. There are no limits of verse. The poems must be typed or completed for the computer.
Article 6 - The texts must be sent in a sealed envelope, the number of copies of four of five without any identifying information.
a copy in a sealed envelope, in addition to the poetic text must include the address, postal address, phone, e-mail, the declaration attached to the invitation to download from the blog http://dlfcosenza.blogspot . com / by affixing the signature at the bottom of the participant or for groups of his manager.
Article 7 - The participants must send their works by post to:
Association DLF
First International Poetry Prize
Piazza G. Matteotti, 27 87100 Cosenza
not later than December 15, 2009 (the postmark will attest). For more information please visit the blog http://dlfcosenza.blogspot.com/ , or send an e-mail to our e-mail address dlfcosenza @ gmailcom. Each author is responsible for the originality of works submitted and their content.
Article 8 - The authors of the very fact of participating in the competition, give the DLF, the right to publish the works of participants on any anthology of the prize of the Association or blog, without having anything to claim as rights of ' author. The poems will not be sent returned and participation in the competition implies acceptance of all the clauses of this Regulation and the tacit consent to the disclosure of his name and the prize awarded in newspapers, magazines and cultural sites.
Article 9 - The Secretary shall assume no responsibility for any loss.
Article 10 - The award ceremony will take place on January 5, 2010 at 16.30 in Cosenza at the headquarters of the DLF in Piazza G. Matteotti, 27. All contestants are invited to the ceremony.
Art.11 - All participants will be contacted via e-mail and posted on the blog will DLFL of the outcome of the competition and any change.
Art 12 - The authors finalists will be notified in time, cash prizes will be collected exclusively by the winners of the award in person in the evening, otherwise the prize will be revoked, or in exceptional cases will be delivered with any spending charged to the award.
Article 13 - The works will be assessed at the discretion of the jury are final.
Art 14 - The Committee will award prizes for the participants to the part in rail service or retired, their children or spouse.
Article 15 - Each award will be entitled to one prize.
Article 16 - There is no fee.
Article 17 - All competitors will receive a certificate of participation. For schools the attendance certificate will be issued to the participating class.

Prizes 1st Prize € 250.00

2nd Prize € 150.00
3rd Prize € 100.00

Awards for railwaymen

€ 250.00 1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize
€ 150.00 € 100,00

Il Responsabile e Assegnatario dei Premi
D.L.F. Cosenza

Monday, August 31, 2009

Air Filter In A Pt-50lc14

work in progress ...


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Taking Adipex And Still Hungry?

BORNTOWRITE concorso di narrativa e poesia

Competition for young writers of fiction and poetry on any subject.

The stories must be received no later than 12 noon on October 31, 2009
poems by September 25, 2009


How To Tell The Gender Of A Tetra

IL PINGUINO D'ORO videoconcorso

Competition for the creation of an environment in micrometraggio Open source on any subject. The competition is open to all film makers, who may participate individually or in groups. The video must not exceed 120 seconds (2 minutes), including any titles and credits. E 'possible to participate anche con animazioni e prodotti di video-grafica.

Tutti gli elaborati dovranno essere consegnati entro e non oltre il 4 ottobre 2009

a mano o a mezzo posta su cd-rom o dvd, presso
Biblioteca Rotonda via Casalegno 42, 41100 Modena (c/o Centro commerciale "Rotonda")
tel. 059 441919

oppure via web
su www.contesti.eu dove sarà possibile visionare, commentare e votare le opere pervenute


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Clamp On Arm Extensions For Camera Tripods

We are killing the animals with the pollution, caused lung cancer, a bit 'as happens to us .....

We are polluting our country ... the world! The animals that are endangered for progress Man, now face another problem. Environmental pollution that contaminates the nature causes cancer in those species of animals living in nature. The cancer grows more in the lungs, so we are killing us and them too!

Animals: cancer increases among the species that live in nature

LONDON - The environmental pollution threatens wildlife through cancer, which strikes them with a margin more and more 'high. The scientists say the Societa 'Conservation of Fauna and Flora of New York have reported an increase of cases in recent years di tumore negli animali e hanno pubblicato i risultati della loro ricerca sulla rivista Nature Reviews Cancer. Le specie piu' a rischio sono quelle in via d'estinzione, come il demonio della Tasmania, un piccolo marsupiale carnivoro che e' passato da 150.000 esemplari nel 1996 a meno della meta' nel 2008, a causa di un devastante cancro al viso che nel 65% dei casi si e' esteso al resto del corpo, colpendo soprattutto i polmoni. Particolarmente prese di mira anche le balene beluga dell'estuario dei fiume San Lorenzo in Canada, per cui negli ultimi 17 anni il cancro e' stato la seconda causa di morte: nel 27% degli esemplari adulti e' stata registrata la presenza di un tumore. (Agr)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Pinnacle Tvcenter Skinning Failed

Concorso letterario nazionale "Premio Leoncini"

Concorso riservato agli studenti del triennio delle scuole medie superiori.
Si partecipa con poesie, racconti o sceneggiature per cortometraggi
inspired by the theme of the contest "The work is for women and men live, and free"
Entries must be sent before June 30, 2009 at the following address:



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Concorso internazionale di poesia "Il valore del silenzio"

The competition is open to students of high school Italian and Indian.
The poem, inspired by the "value of silence, which Gandhi saw as an opportunity to" recharge "the spiritual is to be sent to the following address by June 10, 2009

Institute of Higher Education" Gandhi "
Poetry Contest
because of carnations 4
05035 Narni Scalo (Terni)

for information write to: Isgandhi@tin.it
or phone 0744 737806

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Size Of Dose For Adderall 2009

Earthquake: after losing loved ones, in Abruzzo earthquake families are separated from their pets .... the facilities do not accept them

Nei giorni successivi al sisma, che il 6 aprile ha colpito l’Abruzzo, si è presentata una nuova problematica per la popolazione colpita dal dramma: oltre alla perdita di molte persone care, ora si contano anche gli animali domestici dispersi. Per chi avesse avuto, poi, la fortuna di ritrovare vivo il proprio cucciolo tra le macerie, ora c’è una nuova questione da affrontare: i campi allestiti dalla protezione civile non sono attrezzati per ospitare anche gli animali domestici, non hanno i viveri necessari per alimentartarli e il problema .....continua...leggi.......

Sauder Directions Missing

Dogs are not very dives from us .... Video dog who dreams of running with the jump wall!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Local Area Connection

"INCROCI DI CIVILTA''" Incontri internazionali di letteratura a Venezia, 21-31 maggio 2009

City of Venice Ca 'Foscari University and organized three intensive days that invite to the meeting with the human and artistic experiences of famous writers World

Among the guests of the festival literature Orhan Pamuk, Salman Rushdie, Yves Bonnefoy and Javier Marias

will precede the exhibition a series of meetings in public libraries (from April 1 to May 8)
to introduce readers to the life and works of great writers invited


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"Commesse di Treviso" lettura teatrale dal libro di Fulvio Ervas

Saturday, April 4 at 21 at the Cultural Center Auditorium Candiani

"Commesse di Treviso" lettura teatrale dal libro di Fulvio Ervas
con Francesco Ventimiglia e Fulvio Ervas
Il biglietto omaggio va ritirato alla biglietteria del Centro nei due giorni antecedenti lo spettacolo

Pentax Pro 35mm Camera History


Venerdì 3 aprile alle ore 21 presso la Biblioteca Civica di Mestre

Gipi, il disegnatore italiano che il "Wall Street Journal" ha definito uno dei migliori del mondo
LMVDM (La Mia Vita Disegnata Male) autobiografia disegnata

Monday, March 9, 2009

Best Selection Of Kitchen Runners

wounded a boy, pitbull will be deleted

CARBONATE - is now sealed the fate of Ice: will, in fact, suppressed the American pit bull terrier last Saturday, in Via Nazario Sauro, who was bitten by a thirteen Friend was driving along the road home. Dog owners are aware that, despite no law forces them to take a drastic decision, have decided to delete the part of the department veterinarian quattrozampe.Da ASL is confirmed that the request for euthanasia, already informally may also soon be accepted . In general, choices of this kind are taken when it comes to animals known to be incurably sick or have been shown to have a particular hazard. They would then very often cases where you get to decide to take the life of the animals put under examination by the veterinary ASL. Last Saturday at saving children had been attacked mozzatese Flanu Strefi that day had gone from a friend, who lives in a house of the street, to give a hand to design the garden. The two friends were quickly acted to remove the pit bull off the boy, whom doctors have subsequently sutured to the lip from the dog bite wounds and drained back to the leg. Among the thirteen month will come back again in the operating room to undergo a minor operation Cosmetic surgery, which will remove all the external signs of the very bad misfortune.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Color For Throat Cancer

Travelling with pets all the rules by the Ministry of Health

- Handbook: The first steps to plan a trip with your pet
- Transport: The different rules and conditions of carriage by air, rail, ships and ferries
- Passport: What data should contain, and those releases should be drafted as a passport
- Vaccinations: Vaccinations recommended beyond those required in each state
- sickness: Some ways to reduce the discomfort of the dog in the car during transport
- By train: The Regulation of Trenitalia, in force since 1 December 2008, to travel by train with pets
- In Italy: All information in health in Italy to introduce pet animals accompanying passengers
- to third countries: The health conditions for the introduction of animals the follow-up in countries outside the European Union
- To the UK: The obligations to be observed by those who wish to bring dogs and cats in the United Kingdom, for a temporary stay or permanent
- to EU countries : All the rules for the handling of dogs, cats and ferrets to the states, the specific obligations that govern travel to

Installation Of Sunken Tubs

poisoned baits, banning the use, how to behave

Following the spread of the phenomenon of killing and mistreatment of animals in the environment through dissemination of bait or poisoned bait, which is a serious risk to human populations, particularly children and the environment, the Secretary Francesca Martini of Health signed an Order establishing rules on the "ban on the use and possession of bait or poisoned . .... Continue .....

Pain From Naruto Sprite Sheet

Cremona: Lager kennel and seized two investigated. They killed the dogs. Association related to the City!

If anyone has information on the kennel Cremona think would be useful to the investigation, please get in touch with the National League per la Difesa del Cane telefonando al nr. 0226116502 oppure indirizzando una mail a . ...continua....

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Order of dangerous dogs, many innovative features, alongside some point to clarify

In merito all’ordinanza del sottosegretario on. Francesca Martini, sulla tutela dell’incolumità pubblica dall’aggressione dei cani, in primo luogo si rileva che la stessa vorrebbe intervenire a colmare la lacuna di cui all’ordinanza Turco, in quanto quest’ultima contiene un’elencazione a priori delle razze “pericolose” non idonea ad individuare le situazioni di pericolo.....continua......

Waxing While Pregnant

sled dogs, he won the European Order of

Volpago (L.Bon) Flavours of Brand at the European Dog Sledding.

Mechadolls Breast Size Types

contingibile and urgent public safety on the protection from the aggression of dogs. Ministry of Health

Monday, February 23, 2009

Blunt Wraps Side Effects

14° Premio Silmaril "racconto"

Per chi ama il fantasy, la Società Tolkieniana italiana bandisce questo premio riservato a favole, leggende e racconti ispirati alle opere di Tolkien o alla mitologia europea.
The works should be sent, in original, not later than 24 hours of April 30, 2009

Italian Tolkien Society c / o Franco Taucer
Aurusina 93
Aurisina 34011 Duino (TS)

http:/ / www.tolkien.it/

Trickster Or Ragnarok Online

"Donne senza confini" concorso per videoproduzioni

The theme of the competition this year is dedicated to women and multiculturalism in Venice.
The competition is open to those who have over 35 years of age.
The application form must be received by April 20, 2009
at the following address:
Shylock-CUT c / o ESU Nardocci Multipurpose Center, Dorsoduro 3861, 30123 Venice


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Concorso internazionale di poesia Arnaldo da Brescia

Concorso riservato alle scuole secondarie, bando e scheda sono scaricabili dal sito

Le poesie dovranno pervenire entro il 15 marzo 2009

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Dental Practice Business Plan Examples

Premio Energheia

E' possibile partecipare a questo concorso inviando:
- un racconto inedito, a tema libero e in lingua italiana (max 21.000 battute)
-Un racconto breve sul tema "La giustizia" (max 4.000 battute) da inviare al seguente indirizzo energheia@energheia.org
-una storia a fumetti, a tema libero e in lingua italiana (max 10 tavole)

Scadenza 1 giugno 2009


What Should I Wear To A Skating Party

Concorso "Parole in viaggio" i giovani e la scrittura ai tempi di internet

The Competition organized by the Bank of Credit Treviso, in collaboration with Vodafone and the Provincial Education Office, is divided into two sections: the story and sms.
The theme of the works will be "The job I dream about, the life you want"

Deadline April 11, 2009


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Milk Streaming English


Wednesday, January 14, 2009 at 18:00 at the Libreria Mondadori di Venezia
presentation volume

She loves me? Moms, mothers, stepmothers or not

The writers of "He loves me?" tell, between fantasy and autobiography, the many facets of mother-daughter relationship. Twenty women, twenty writers (some well-established other newcomers) for twenty original stories, each of which introduces a different dimension of the breast, with a peculiar look on how this bond can be experienced every day ...
Mothers and daughters, but not only ...