Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Taking Adipex And Still Hungry?

BORNTOWRITE concorso di narrativa e poesia

Competition for young writers of fiction and poetry on any subject.

The stories must be received no later than 12 noon on October 31, 2009
poems by September 25, 2009

How To Tell The Gender Of A Tetra

IL PINGUINO D'ORO videoconcorso

Competition for the creation of an environment in micrometraggio Open source on any subject. The competition is open to all film makers, who may participate individually or in groups. The video must not exceed 120 seconds (2 minutes), including any titles and credits. E 'possible to participate anche con animazioni e prodotti di video-grafica.

Tutti gli elaborati dovranno essere consegnati entro e non oltre il 4 ottobre 2009

a mano o a mezzo posta su cd-rom o dvd, presso
Biblioteca Rotonda via Casalegno 42, 41100 Modena (c/o Centro commerciale "Rotonda")
tel. 059 441919

oppure via web
su dove sarĂ  possibile visionare, commentare e votare le opere pervenute
